Enola Holmes is a delightful way to spend two hours of your time. Come for the writing, stay for the acting.
Cancel Culture Club
Cancel Culture is a rebranding of Politically Correct insults, and another attack on the free speech rights of The People.
The Highway
Poem – The Highway
Apex Magazine is Coming Back!
Apex Magazine is Returning!
The Truth of a Lie (Apparition Literary Magazine)
The Truth of a Lie. Published by Apparition Literary Magazine, July 15, 2020
Living in a Hopepunk World
Hopepunk offers a future that’s not so grim and dark, but we have to fight for it
Ain’t That Some Shit
The Poors
Our past informs us, especially the traumas we suffer.
Planning the Future
It’s been a weird winter, but things move forward. I’m still ranting and planning.
Hats for Bats
You can actually get pretty crazy with your world building details, if the Ottomans are any judge of things.