It’s already been a whirlwind of a start to the year. I’ve managed to finish one new short story, FISHING OVER THE BONES OF THE DRAGON, which is about the loss of innocence, growing old, the reticence of men to speak to their emotions, father/son relationships, and, well… some fishing stuff, too. I quite like…
December, 2018, Report
I didn’t really close out December in my previous message, so let’s do that now. Writing Conferences/Workshops/Classes: None attended this month. I did receive a copy of Beginnings, Middles, & Ends, by Nancy Kress, for Christmas that I’m looking forward to reading soon. Finished: First draft of the new novel is finished. It’s rough and…
2018 Remembered
It’s close enough to the end of the year and I’m still on holiday break from work and writing, so it’s as good a time as any to reflect on the past year and look at my efforts, as well as all the other stuff that happened in general. It’s been a year of mixed…
I just finished installing WordPress 5.0 and I’m getting used to the new editing features. So far it seems reasonable enough, although I have to wonder why they’re leaving three inches of white space to the left and right of the editing “blocks” (and I won’t even get started on this idea of blocks instead…
Bad Movie Sunday (Two Reviews)
One of my favorite programs as a child was the Saturday afternoon Creature Double Feature. The program originated out of Boston, but I think it was picked up in syndication on the local stations in Maine. Or maybe Maine had a similar show with a similar title, I’m not sure. But every Saturday after the…
Lots of good stuff happening right now, so let’s jump right into it. This morning I checked the Andromeda Spaceways facebook page (even though my Facebook account was closed months ago, I can still view their public posts). I found the following recent post which, I have to admit, honestly choked me up: That’s my…
November, 2018, Report
Ah, November. You have been both cruel and a delight. The cruelness comes from two fronts: the house is hating us right now and springing leaks from every pipe; and Netflix/Marvel are canceling my favorite shows. Granted, the former is more important than the latter, entertainment is just… entertainment. There are plenty more sources of…
On Becoming a Published Author
It’s been a really long time coming. A long time writing, then a long time not writing because I wasn’t ready to hack the up and down of rejection. A lot of words poured onto the page, a lot of “thanks but no thanks,” a lot of doubting why I was getting up so early…
Nano Halfway
Now that my morning writing activities have ended (I may add more words later; winter weather has arrived early and the sloppy, icy mess has me working from home today), I thought I’d look at where things stand on my efforts this month and with Nano: November Totals: Words Written – 25,461 Average per day…
King Sabrina (Two Reviews)
When I was a kid, I used to deliver the Sunday paper. Having a paper route was a sort of rite of passage for kids back then, although I think most of them are now managed by older individuals with cars looking for a second source of income. I didn’t like getting up so early…