Two years ago I wrote a book that flew off my fingers. The writing was some of the easiest I’ve ever done, and the words poured out of me like water flowing through a spigot. The book, now completed and having gone through several rounds of editing which included hiring an editor to help with…
October, 2018, Report
I didn’t blog much in October it seems. Or at all. Well, that’s fine, no one actually reads these things. I write them because I want to, not because I have an audience or a platform. That means that until I have at least a small number of the former, these will remain irregular and…
September, 2018, Report
A view of the month of September and how I met my writing goals.
The First (Review)
I’d heard some rumors of good things coming out of the new series, The First, which is now streaming on Hulu. I’ve found most Hulu original series to be pretty decent (we’ve enjoyed Castle Rock and The Handmaid’s Tale, although the latter is so full of existential dread that at times we struggle to get…
I Am The Immortal… Wait For It….
I make no bones about disliking the first season of Iron Fist on Netflix. It was a sloppy mess, with poor writing, constantly changing character motivations for no good reason, lousy acting, bad martial arts scenes, and a main protagonist who was arrogant and obnoxious. It’s not a series I’ll ever watch again, and it…
The Boy Who Lived
This is part two of the vacation memories. Hard to believe it was already two weeks ago! On Saturday morning I rose and readied. The wife was flying in and I needed to pick her up around 8:45 (so I thought). Of course, at barely ten past eight she texted to tell me she was…
Interlude – Pro’s and Cons
I will return to reminiscing about the trip to Florida in my next post. For the moment, I wanted to get into two topics that are becoming increasingly important to me as I step nearer to achieving publication: working with professionals; and attending conferences. Pro’s and Cons, get it? Get it? I had the opportunity…
Return from a Dream
It was, in my lifetime, the greatest Labor Day weekend I remember. This morning I sit here depressed that it’s over, and a bit gutted by another rejection letter (two in fact this morning). The return home after a weekend away is always hard. This one was made doubly hard by the long drive (almost…
4th Saturday (8/2018)
I’m going to try to do a catchall writing post on the 4th weekend of every month. Technically I’m a day early, but now that it’s in my head I wanted to get it started. A way of keeping track of what I’ve done each month. August, 2018, has been fantastic. We started it off…
Give Me Fever
My career was built on the bedrock of customer service. Not just taking and making phone calls, but in person, at your desk, putting you at ease and fixing your system no matter how difficult the situation. And I’ve been damn good at it for years and years, rose to the top ranks of deskside…