The Gourmets, published by Mythaxis Magazine in issue #31, September of 2022
Found Newspaper Article #1 – Albany American (Nov. 28, 1890)
Found newspaper article from the Albany American, dated November 28th, 1890
Fox and Troll Steal Math (GigaNotoSaurus, April 1, 2022)
Fox and Troll Steal Math (GigaNotoSaurus, April 1, 2022)
Babble On and On
Some quick hit reviews from a January with much media consumption
XCom 2: War of the Chosen (Review)
XCom 2: War of the Chosen is a deliciously good and deviously difficult expansion to the original game.
We Are Lady Parts (Review)
We Are Lady Parts is the comedy series you’ve been looking for
Hot Take (Ridley Scott)
Old Man Shakes Fist at Clouds: why Ridley is so, so, very, incredibly Wrong.
The Good, the Bad, and the Deadpool
4 Short Movie Reveiws
Diamond’s Are a Space Miner’s Best Friend (Andromeda Spaceways #84)
Diamond’s Are a Space Miner’s Best Friend. Published by Andromeda Spaceways, October 28, 2021
Fantasy & Science Fiction, Sep/Oct 2021 (Review)
Fantasy & Science Fiction, Sep/Oct 2021 (Review)