When you hate shopping, your options grow limited the tighter your clothing becomes
Apparition Literary Magazine, Issue #13: Justice (Review)
Review of issue #13, Justice, of Apparition Literary Magazine
“Remember The Washington,” They Said as They Fed the Ugoxli (Clarkesworld)
“Remember The Washington,” They Said as They Fed the Ugoxli, published in Clarkesworld, February of 2021.
Doom Patrol, season 1 (Review)
Doom Patrol does what other superhero can’t: subvert all the tropes with the most broken found family ever, wrapped in deliciously weird story telling
Fantasy & Science Fiction, Nov/Dec 2020 (Review)
Review of the Nov/Dec issue of the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
Apparition Literary Magazine, Issue 12: Satisfaction (Review)
Review of issue #12, Satisfaction, of Apparition Literary Magazine
Fantasy & Science Fiction, Sep/Oct 2020 (Review)
Review of the Sep/Oct issue of the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
Enola Holmes (Review)
Enola Holmes is a delightful way to spend two hours of your time. Come for the writing, stay for the acting.
The Highway
Poem – The Highway
The Truth of a Lie (Apparition Literary Magazine)
The Truth of a Lie. Published by Apparition Literary Magazine, July 15, 2020