Review of issue #15, Contamination, of Apparition Literary Magazine
Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2021 (Review)
Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2021 (Review)
Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April 2021 (Review)
Fantasy & Science Fiction, Mar/Apr 2021 (Review)
Apparition Literary Magazine, Issue #14: Chance (Review)
Review of issue #14, Chance, of Apparition Literary Magazine
Bad Movie Sunday (2 Reviews)
It’s time for another roundup of bad movies during laundry day
The Trollbreath Cut
Snyder shows how to improve a bad film while simultaneously making it worse in new ways
Apparition Literary Magazine, Issue #13: Justice (Review)
Review of issue #13, Justice, of Apparition Literary Magazine
Doom Patrol, season 1 (Review)
Doom Patrol does what other superhero can’t: subvert all the tropes with the most broken found family ever, wrapped in deliciously weird story telling
Fantasy & Science Fiction, Nov/Dec 2020 (Review)
Review of the Nov/Dec issue of the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
Apparition Literary Magazine, Issue 12: Satisfaction (Review)
Review of issue #12, Satisfaction, of Apparition Literary Magazine