Review of the Sep/Oct issue of the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
Enola Holmes (Review)
Enola Holmes is a delightful way to spend two hours of your time. Come for the writing, stay for the acting.
Cruel World
Red Dead Redemption 2 does something I’ve rarely seen in a video game: make you care enough to hurt.
The Mindflayer (Stranger Things, Season 3: Review)
I’ve been in love with Stranger Things since the premier of season 1, before I had a clue what it was about. The series is a wonderful homage to past science fiction and horror films, as well as a solid cultural reference for the 1980’s. I’ve found it amazing all the little things they get…
Goodnight, Ms. Jones
The Netflix era of Marvel movies ends not with a bang, but a whimper, with Jessica Jones season 3.
“There was an idea. . .” Avengers: End Game (spoiler riddled review)
Avengers: End Game is the culmination of 11 years and 22 films in one shared cinematic universe, and is everything the fans of these movies deserved, and more than we ever expected, despite our sky-high expectations. (warning: many spoilers in this review).
The Wright Brothers (Review)
Wherein I review the history book, The Wright Brothers, by David McCullough.
Mars Trilogy (Review)
The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson is a fascinating thought experiment about the future of humanity as told through the terraforming of the red planet.
Mini Me
In which I provide many short reviews and thoughts on topics. No, I’m not writing about the Austin Powers series of movies. Nor about the character of Mini Me. You can’t make me and that’s just how I roll. Instead, I’m going to write some short little pieces about different aspects of media that I’ve…
Bad Movie Sunday (Two Reviews)
One of my favorite programs as a child was the Saturday afternoon Creature Double Feature. The program originated out of Boston, but I think it was picked up in syndication on the local stations in Maine. Or maybe Maine had a similar show with a similar title, I’m not sure. But every Saturday after the…