I’ve been a Stephen King fan for many years, and read a ton of his works. While I love his novels, it’s his ability to deftly craft a creepy short story that I admire the most. I’ve had the pleasure of reading several of his collections in the past, including the one that contained the…
Review – Karen Memory (audiobook version)
I’ve been wanting to get this review done the last couple of days, and I think I can squeeze it in now. Which is good, because the weather is miserable out, my work day has been sucktastic, and I need to focus on good things, wonderful things. Non-deplorable things. And this, my friends, is sooooooo…
Review – Spoonbenders
I ripped through another book due to my prolonged summer cold. By the way, I do not recommend getting a summer cold. It ruins your weekend and turns you into an escargot snot factory. I don’t often get sick, but when I do, I really go all out on it. But I digress. Over the…
Review: Of Bone and Thunder
The wife and I are on a reading tear now. We started watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager late last fall, and we finally finished up both series this week. Yes, we’d already seen them (or rather, I’d seen all of Voyager a couple of times but not much of DS9,…
Review – Crosstalk
I feel like I’m overdue on keeping up with my reviews. I read a lot these days, and get a good two hours of audiobook time in during my commutes each day, which adds up to a lot of books devoured each month. Last month, I listened to Connie Willis’ latest novel, Crosstalk, during my…
Review: Iron Fist
So we finished Iron Fist last night. We’ve had fun keeping up with all the Marvel franchise movies and television shows. Undoubtedly Captain America: Winter Soldier remains my favorite of the movies. Now, after seeing Iron Fist, I can safely say… Daredevil was way better and remains my favorite of the television shows (season 1…
Battlefield Earth, The Audio File
I love audiobooks, I really do. They have totally transformed my commute into a – if not enjoyable – much more tolerable way of spending 2 to 2.5 hours of my life every day while boxed up like a sardine in my four cylinder economy bread box. I’ve enjoyed everything from classics like Mark Twain’s…
Winter is Civil
The wife and I were talking the other night about Captain America: Civil War and its merits when compared with Captain America: Winter Soldier. WARNING: the rest of this thread is uber geektastic. Serious people who want Very Serious Discussions are encouraged to go find the blog for one of the PBS news shows, I…
Two Reviews
Today I have two reviews for you, my minuscule list of regular readers, both fresh from the deeply buried vaults of the Reynolds Files. One book, one movie. Bet you can guess the movie. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Excellent. Top notch entertainment. Returns to a “smaller is better” ideal, with strong characters, good acting,…
Book Review – Blackout and All Clear by Connie Willis
Connie Willis has been one of my favorite Science Fiction authors since I read her stellar novel, Doomsday Book. She has returned several times to the same time traveling historians, in follow up books like To Say Nothing of the Dog, and her original Hugo Award winning story from 1984 called Fire Watch. This time…