
There is a reality in the world of science and technology known as a feedback loop. This is that incredibly annoying screech from a microphone when someone first starts talking into it, before they turn their volume down. It’s painful, but it has a very simple cause and effect. You speak… your words flood out…

Having your Query Letter Critiqued

I think all writers by now understand the importance of having their finished works critiqued by some folks they trust to give solid, actionable commentary. You know, stuff like: “we need more tacos in this section!”; or “why’d the killer wear blue boxer briefs instead of green ones, it makes no sense”; or “your use…

I’m not Crazy

When I was in high school, there were three types of music I loved most. Alt rock was my mainstay, led by bands like U2 and REM. New Wave was a close second, with DEVO and Flock of Seagulls high on my list. And then there was punk. Henry Rollins, the Ramones, anything that was…


Every writer goes through bouts of depression. Or more accurately I guess, bouts of self-doubt. I suppose right now I’m going through another one. It starts with queries. These sweet little letters of torture to agents and/or publishers drive me mad. I’ve read at least a hundred of them now, examples of successful ones, and…


Becoming a writer has been easy. Seriously, don’t let anyone feed you these long, sad, sob stories about how they tried and strained and sweated and cried for years and years about becoming a writer. Writing is as simple as sitting down… and writing. That’s literally it. No further consideration! Simple! Any moron with a…

Another One Bites the Dust

Apologies to Queen. I refer to “another audiobook” in my blog title. I finally gave up on the better quality YA audiobook I was listening to this morning. It was becoming so mechanical, more boxes being ticked off on the author’s check sheet. Two competing love interests? Check. Formerly powerless person suddenly finding power and…


Crotchety is one of those rarely used words that should be thrust back into the spotlight again. And I’m just the crotchety old bastard to do so. So bear with me as I go all “get off my lawn” on your asses. That’s just how I roll. According to the much loved and every popular…

Review – Crosstalk

I feel like I’m overdue on keeping up with my reviews. I read a lot these days, and get a good two hours of audiobook time in during my commutes each day, which adds up to a lot of books devoured each month. Last month, I listened to Connie Willis’ latest novel, Crosstalk, during my…


I love those moments when the smell of the air, the warmth of the room, the way the sunlight is dappling the walls, the feel of crisp sheets against my skin, and the music that’s playing in the background come together to give you a profound sense of “elsewhen”, as though you are transported to a…


I’ll get back to my thread about FerenGOP profits later, but right now I want to talk about another topic (which, I’m sure you, my three readers, are happy to learn is NOT about politics). I went for a bike ride yesterday after spending a half hour fixing my front brake. New bike, brake already…