My awards eligible work for 2021
Stress and the Modern Novel
Publishing a novel can be a stressful business
Shadow of a Doubt Cover Reveal!
Cover reveal for my novel, Shadow of a Doubt
A great way to advance your writing is to stretch yourself and try new things
Reading Vacation
Vacations are for reconnecting with the things you love most, like reading
Isolation works well for an introvert, but doesn’t serve to advance a career
Awards Eligibility for 2020
My awards eligibility for 2020, and my thoughts about this past year
I Believe in Magic
Having a sense of wonder about the universe is no reason to take advantage of people
To Self-Publish or Not to Self-Publish… That is the Question
Deciding whether or not to self-publish is as difficult as deciding to write… and brings with it a lot more work.
Apex Magazine is Coming Back!
Apex Magazine is Returning!