Comic-Con 2019 gives us more trailers than we can shake a stick at, and all the “Holy forking shirtballs!” we needed.
June, 2019, Report
My monthly writing report for June, 2019 (and where to find me at Worldcon)
Mirror, Mirror
A short piece of fiction that amused me. When age overtakes your youthful beauty, your needs undergo a change.
May, 2019, Report
My writing report for the month of May, 2019.
The Trenches
Querying is a tough process, but there are things you can do to increase your odds of success.
April, 2019, Report
My writing report for April, and why it’s the cruelest month.
March, 2019, Report
My monthly (or in this case two months, because I’ve been a slacker) writing report.
No Man’s Birthday
Last month was my birthday. As has become my tradition, I took the day off, and this year I threw in the two days that followed as well for good measure. That gave me five long days of free time, and I used them wisely. My friends, I played video games almost non-stop for those…
Writing What you Love
Writing what you love is a key to enjoying your craft, even if you’re not sure you can ever get the work published.
Mini Me
In which I provide many short reviews and thoughts on topics. No, I’m not writing about the Austin Powers series of movies. Nor about the character of Mini Me. You can’t make me and that’s just how I roll. Instead, I’m going to write some short little pieces about different aspects of media that I’ve…