
Lots of good stuff happening right now, so let’s jump right into it. This morning I checked the Andromeda Spaceways facebook page (even though my Facebook account was closed months ago, I can still view their public posts). I found the following recent post which, I have to admit, honestly choked me up: That’s my…

November, 2018, Report

Ah, November. You have been both cruel and a delight. The cruelness comes from two fronts: the house is hating us right now and springing leaks from every pipe; and Netflix/Marvel are canceling my favorite shows. Granted, the former is more important than the latter, entertainment is just… entertainment. There are plenty more sources of…

On Becoming a Published Author

It’s been a really long time coming. A long time writing, then a long time not writing because I wasn’t ready to hack the up and down of rejection. A lot of words poured onto the page, a lot of “thanks but no thanks,” a lot of doubting why I was getting up so early…