The books I’ve been reading recently
To Say Nothing of the Dog (audiobook) – Review
I mince no words about my love for Connie Willis’ writing. Ever since I discovered her collection of short stories, Impossible Things, I’ve been an admirer of her prose. She has a remarkable way of drawing you into a story, and can write in a variety of forms, whether suspenseful drama or comedic slapdash. Doomsday…
Review – Crosstalk
I feel like I’m overdue on keeping up with my reviews. I read a lot these days, and get a good two hours of audiobook time in during my commutes each day, which adds up to a lot of books devoured each month. Last month, I listened to Connie Willis’ latest novel, Crosstalk, during my…
Book Review – Blackout and All Clear by Connie Willis
Connie Willis has been one of my favorite Science Fiction authors since I read her stellar novel, Doomsday Book. She has returned several times to the same time traveling historians, in follow up books like To Say Nothing of the Dog, and her original Hugo Award winning story from 1984 called Fire Watch. This time…
The Award from the Academy Goes To…
It is every author’s dream to receive awards for their work. Or at least oodles of money. I could go either way, though both would be preferable. How about we combine them, a Hugo Award for best Novel of the year, and massive amounts of sales for the same work, including a Hollywood movie starring…