Mini Me

In which I provide many short reviews and thoughts on topics. No, I’m not writing about the Austin Powers series of movies. Nor about the character of Mini Me. You can’t make me and that’s just how I roll. Instead, I’m going to write some short little pieces about different aspects of media that I’ve…

MWA Frederick

Yesterday we had our first official meeting of the Frederick chapter of the Maryland Writers Association, and I thought it went smashingly. If you’re a Maryland writer and you’re not currently a member, please click on the web link and consider joining. They do a ton for writers in Maryland, sponsor a yearly conference in…

Wiki See and Wiki Do

It’s already been a whirlwind of a start to the year. I’ve managed to finish one new short story, FISHING OVER THE BONES OF THE DRAGON, which is about the loss of innocence, growing old, the reticence of men to speak to their emotions, father/son relationships, and, well… some fishing stuff, too. I quite like…

As the World Turns

The Marvel cinematic universe is a complex beast, and growing ever more complex by the movie. Take your typical world of earth, toss in some superheroes and supervillians, and then go to town on it. Add cities that don’t exist, a futuristic country in Africa hidden from the world, other dimensions where near-literal gods dwell,…