300,000 Words and Counting

I set a goal just before New Years eve in 2015.  I planned to write 350,000 words of new fiction.  Not all of those words – probably most of those words – will ever get published, but it was a chance to build a daily writing habit into my life, stretch myself on a variety…

The Internet is Really Wonderful

Ah, the Internet.  Or internet.  I’m not sure any longer if we’re supposed to capitalize it or not, but I don’t think it really matters.  Of course, I’m not a grammar and spelling Nazi – by now any of the three people reading this blog will have noticed my many editing errors – and so…

Two for Tuesday

Usually Monday’s are the crappy day of the week, but this week Tuesday decided to stand in for Monday since Monday was a holiday and, thus, enjoyable. Two rejections.  Two.  Both for short stories I had submitted, and one of them the aforementioned “Ricky Flies” story that they had liked initially, but on further review…