
There are lots of different kinds of rejection letters you can receive as an author. The most common is the very impersonal form letter. The form letter always thanks you for your submission, then quickly proceeds to inform you that your story or novel “was not right for them at this time.” Fair enough. Is…

June is Gone

The halfway point of the year (unofficial) has come and gone.  We are into the second six months.  As always, it’s time for me to check in with how I’m doing. June was… spectacular.  I wrote 43,568 words, including a little over 34,000 words on the comic fantasy novel.  The average was 1450 plus words…

Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt

Ah, rejection.  You bitch.  I loathe thee, even as I’ve learned to be more tolerant of your existence.  It took me damn long enough, but I still feel your claws tearing at my heart when you come bouncing into the room, all smiles and giggles, tugging at my clothing as you lean close to breath…