Putting the Baby to Bed

It topped out at 135,000 words.  But on Saturday morning I wrote the final words of my latest WIP, the novel Summer, and put it to rest.  It’s cooling its heels in a folder on my drive now, and I will do my best not to revisit it until the holidays are over and 2017…


Yesterday was Halloween.  At our house, we are on the wrong side of a very busy road where the speed limit increases to 55 mph, so we don’t get trick or treaters.  That means we really don’t bother with the holiday since the funnest part of it isn’t something we get to enjoy.  I do…

South Central Rain

Sitting here tonight with my babe listening to Pandora radio.  Right now it’s an old R.E.M. tune, South Central Rain.  The poor woman has to read some Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx for her upcoming next class, so I put on some classy 80’s alternative music to keep her happy.  Ok… it was totally for…

300,000 Words and Counting

I set a goal just before New Years eve in 2015.  I planned to write 350,000 words of new fiction.  Not all of those words – probably most of those words – will ever get published, but it was a chance to build a daily writing habit into my life, stretch myself on a variety…

June is Gone

The halfway point of the year (unofficial) has come and gone.  We are into the second six months.  As always, it’s time for me to check in with how I’m doing. June was… spectacular.  I wrote 43,568 words, including a little over 34,000 words on the comic fantasy novel.  The average was 1450 plus words…


I’ve completed a fair number of short stories this year.  Seven to date, with more in the pipeline.  I’ve continued to tweak, modify and see what works with the seven completed ones as well, so pretty much every time I submit one for possible publication it’s not exactly the same story it was that was…

Two for Tuesday

Usually Monday’s are the crappy day of the week, but this week Tuesday decided to stand in for Monday since Monday was a holiday and, thus, enjoyable. Two rejections.  Two.  Both for short stories I had submitted, and one of them the aforementioned “Ricky Flies” story that they had liked initially, but on further review…

Writer’s Block Party

I’m not going to watch the news, I’m not going to watch the news.  Seriously, the events of the last few days are exactly why I no longer watch the news anymore, why I listen to books in CD in the car, etc.  The ridiculous fear mongering and panic from vocal idiots just pisses me…