August is drawing to a rapid close. Hopefully this week won’t drag too badly, I’m looking forward to a three-day weekend (despite the forecast for rain off and on all weekend). But it seems a good time to pass along a few thoughts on random, seemingly unrelated topics. Game of Thrones – I’ve been hearing…
Crotchety is one of those rarely used words that should be thrust back into the spotlight again. And I’m just the crotchety old bastard to do so. So bear with me as I go all “get off my lawn” on your asses. That’s just how I roll. According to the much loved and every popular…
I’ll get back to my thread about FerenGOP profits later, but right now I want to talk about another topic (which, I’m sure you, my three readers, are happy to learn is NOT about politics). I went for a bike ride yesterday after spending a half hour fixing my front brake. New bike, brake already…
The past year has been a year of milestones for me. I wrote 350,000 words last year in new fiction, finished the first draft of my second novel, worked hard to find someone interested in my first novel (still no luck), and completed a bunch of short stories. I also completed my fifth year with…
Lately I’ve been feeling melancholy. It’s a great word, you should look it up. I know people frown on using big words, but I enjoy having a rich vocabulary and being able to resort to a wide variety of words to express my meaning. I lump all that “speak simply” stuff in with typical anti-intellectualism…
Just in time for one of our favorite holidays, I bring you my thoughts on horror. I know, you’re sitting on the edge of your seats already and breathing through your mouths in shallow little gasps to keep from fainting with excitement. I feel the same way! I was – and to some degree still…
June is Gone
The halfway point of the year (unofficial) has come and gone. We are into the second six months. As always, it’s time for me to check in with how I’m doing. June was… spectacular. I wrote 43,568 words, including a little over 34,000 words on the comic fantasy novel. The average was 1450 plus words…
There is nothing more hair pulling than sitting around at work reading through an email thread that goes something like this: Email 1: Group A needs access to Internal Network A so that they can monitor as part of Service A they provide. How can we help them? Email 2 (from me): We are Group…
23.714 words. As of this morning, January 20th, I’ve written 23,714 words of literature. I’m pretty gobsmacked by that number, actually. It’s more than 4,500 words above the amount I set for myself based on a daily expected average of 959 words. I’ve completed one story but for the ending, have made real progress into…